My mission to live better

came early.

At age 25, I suffered a major concussion.

I was hit in the back of the head by a log when helping a friend remove a tree at their cabin.

I temporarily lost my vision and six months later still suffered from short-term memory loss and extensive nerve damage.

I was terrified that my brain would never be the same and I tried all sorts of new things to try and help it heal faster; I started doing yoga, I took a meditation class, changed my diet, and slept more than I ever thought possible.

A year later (and mostly healed) I landed my dream job as V.P. of Global Relations at an ed-tech firm. Instead of finding balance in my work and home life or continuing any of my newfound skills. I threw myself into my work to make up for “lost time” and prove I was “okay”.

A year after that, I was having terrible acid reflux and severe gut/bowel issues. I felt horrible. The constant burning in my chest, had me literally taking swigs out of a liquid anti-acid container.

I also had huge mood swings. I was often angry or crying and had trouble keeping my weight constant. I couldn’t imagine spending the next 40 years of my life feeling so terrible.

Yet, the doctors I met with couldn’t explain any of it. So, I ended up having my first colonoscopy/endoscopy at age 26. 

No one asked me about my lifestyle; my stress levels, my diet, my sleep habits, my exercise routine, or if I was happy.

Thousands of dollars later, my colonoscopy came back “normal” and the only “solution” the doctor offered in our less than 15-minute follow-up appointment was to prescribe me a daily antiacid medication. He warned if I didn’t take it, I’d be at a higher risk of esophageal cancer, because of the constant acid reflux.

I didn’t want to take a pill that was only going to address the symptoms of what was wrong or came with a whole list of side effects. I started doing my own research and step-by-step made massive changes to my lifestyle — and healed myself.  

Now, it’s my mission to help support anyone who’s ready to heal their mental and physical health and live a happier, more vibrant life. 

You’ll learn how to make changes that will positively impact your health, happiness, and productivity — at work and home. 

The bonus?! The same lifestyle habits that help you manage stress, and feel more energized, also help to reduce (and even reverse) chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, type-2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and high blood pressure.


Brianna is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Personal Coach, wellness educator, and consultant. She is also a certified yoga instructor, meditation coach, and holds a Lifestyle Medicine Coaching Certificate from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM), and a plant-based nutrition certificate from Cornell University.

In her free time, she loves spending as much time as possible in the great outdoors: hiking, biking, kayaking, and sailing, traveling to new places, sharing tasty (often vegan) homemade meals with friends and family, perfecting her watercolor technique, and caring for numerous house plants.